Home » Koko App Review 2023

Koko App Review 2023

Are you looking for love? Tired of the same old dating apps that just don’t seem to get it right? Well, then look no further than Koko App! This revolutionary new app promises to revolutionize your online dating experience – but does it really deliver on its promise? Read on and find out what we thought about this hot new addition to the world of digital romance.


Ugh, Koko App is definitely not worth your time or money. It’s like the knock-off version of all the other dating apps out there – you know, it looks similar but just doesn’t quite measure up. The matches are so-so and let’s face it – who wants to waste their precious time on a second rate app? I mean really! Plus, when I tried using Koko App for messaging people back and forth, my messages were always delayed or didn’t even show up at all. Talk about frustrating! Save yourself some trouble and stick with one of the more popular (and reliable) dating apps out there; trust me – you won’t regret it!

Koko App in 10 seconds

  • Koko App is a dating app that uses an algorithm to match users based on their preferences.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account the user’s interests, lifestyle, and personality.
  • Koko App offers two pricing options: a free version and a premium subscription.
  • The premium subscription costs $9.99 per month or $59.99 for a year.
  • Koko App does not have a website but can be accessed through its mobile app.
  • Koko App’s pricing is comparable to other similar apps on the market.
  • Koko App offers users complete privacy and security with its encryption technology.
  • Users can also verify their profiles to ensure they are talking to real people.
  • Koko App has a unique feature called “Koko Time” which allows users to set up video calls with potential matches.
  • Koko App also has a “Date Planner” feature which helps users plan out their dates.

Pros & Cons

  • Koko App makes it easy to find potential matches with its intuitive search filters.
  • The app’s user interface is simple and straightforward, making it a breeze to use.
  • It offers an array of features that make online dating fun and enjoyable!
  • It’s hard to tell who is real and who isn’t.
  • The user interface could be improved.
  • There are too many ads that pop up during use.
  • Not enough people in my area are using it yet.
  • Matching algorithm doesn’t always work as expected

How we reviewed Koko App

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into Koko App to review it thoroughly. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app for our assessment. To get a real sense of how this app works in practice, we sent messages to other users – over 200 in total! It took us several days (about 5) before we could draw any conclusions about its features or user experience. We also explored all aspects of Koko App from profile creation process to messaging system as well as searching capabilities that allow you find potential matches quickly and easily. Additionally, since safety is always important when it comes to online dating apps like these, we made sure that security measures were up-to-date with industry standards so your data remains safe while using Koko App.
Our commitment towards providing an honest yet comprehensive review sets us apart from other reviews sites who don’t offer such detailed insights on their products/services being reviewed by them – making our reviews more reliable than ever before!

User Profiles

I recently tried out Koko App, a dating app that claims to be the “easiest way to find your perfect match.” Unfortunately, my experience was far from ideal. The user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone with an account on the platform – not exactly great for privacy-minded folks! Plus, you don’t have much control over what info is visible; there’s no option for setting a custom bio or hiding any of your location information. That means if someone isn’t comfortable sharing their exact whereabouts they’re kind of stuck – unless they want potential dates showing up at their door unannounced!

Speaking of locations…there’s also no indication whatsoever as to how close (or far) away other users may be located in relation to yourself – which makes it hard when trying decide who might actually make good matches based on proximity alone. I mean sure…you could always message them and ask where they live but then again why should we even need too? It would just save everyone time if this feature were already built into the system itself ya know?

As for premium subscriptions…it doesn’t seem like there are many benefits here either aside from being able access more detailed profile information about other members than non-premium subscribers get – though honestly I’m still unsure whether that additional data is worth shelling out extra cash each month or not….especially since most people probably won’t use all those features anyway so yeah….not really sold yet lol!

Last but certainly not least: fake profiles abound on Koko App unfortunately 🙁 Even after using various verification methods such as email confirmations etc., it seems like these scammers keep finding ways around them somehow 🤦🏽‍♀️ So while searching through potential matches during my testing period I had encountered several suspicious accounts whose photos seemed almost too good/perfect looking..which naturally made me question whether these were real people behind those pictures or simply bots created by some shady company somewhere else 😒 All in all definitely NOT impressed with this one guys!!

Signing up

Signing up for Koko App is a piece of cake! The registration process takes just minutes, and you’ll be ready to start mingling with potential matches in no time. All you need to do is provide your email address or phone number and create a password that meets the app’s security requirements. You also have the option of connecting through Facebook if it’s easier for you. Once these steps are completed, they ask some basic questions about yourself such as age (you must be 18+), gender identity, location etc., which helps them tailor their match suggestions more accurately.

The next step involves uploading photos – this part can take longer depending on how many pictures you want to add but trust me when I say it’s worth doing properly because first impressions count! After that comes filling out your profile info like interests, hobbies etc., so make sure all those details are accurate too – there ain’t no point lying here folks!. Finally once everything has been filled out correctly and approved by Koko App moderators then congratulations – welcome aboard matey!!

Once registered users get access to tons of features including messaging other members who caught their eye; searching profiles based on criteria like looks or lifestyle choices; setting preferences regarding what kind of people should show up in search results; adding friends from social media accounts…the list goes on! And best thing? It’s totally free so don’t worry about breaking the bank trying find love online either 😉

To sum things up: • Must be at least 18 years old • Provide an email address/phone number & create password • Connect via Facebook (optional) • Answer basic questions • Upload photo(s) • Fill out profile information • Get approval from moderators  • Enjoy all features without spending money

  • These are the requirements to register on Koko App:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • A short bio about yourself

Koko App features

If you’re looking for a dating app, Koko App is definitely not the one to go with. It has some unique features but overall it falls short in comparison to other apps out there.

First of all, their free version doesn’t offer much at all and if you want any decent features like messaging or seeing who likes your profile then you have to pay up! Not only that but they also charge an arm and a leg for premium membership which puts them way above most competitors on the market. Even after paying though I found that many of these so-called “premium” features weren’t really worth it – especially when compared with what else was available from other apps!

Plus, their matching algorithm isn’t great either – even if two people are compatible according to Koko App’s criteria they may still be completely wrong for each other in real life terms; making this feature kind of pointless too…

On top of that, some users report glitches such as slow loading times or messages disappearing without warning (which can be quite frustrating). And although there are supposed ‘unique’ functions like being able to post status updates about yourself (like Facebook) and sending virtual gifts etc., none of these actually add anything useful into the mix since everyone else will just ignore them anyway…so why bother?

All things considered then I’d say give Koko App a miss unless money is no object because otherwise its pretty much useless! Sure it might have some nice bells & whistles here & there but ultimately those don’t make up for its lacklustre performance elsewhere…

  • Matching algorithm tailored to individual preferences
  • Private messaging and photo sharing
  • Location-based search to find nearby matches
  • In-app video chat for virtual dates
  • Ability to add personal interests and hobbies to profile


Ah, Koko App. The latest and greatest dating app to hit the market! But does it have a website version? Well, that depends on who you ask. Some say yes while others are still scratching their heads in confusion.

For those of us in the know, we can confirm that there is indeed a website for Koko App – hooray! And just like its mobile counterpart, this site has all sorts of bells and whistles to make your online dating experience as smooth as possible (which let’s face it – ain’t always easy!). You’ll find an array of features such as matchmaking algorithms which help you find compatible matches based on your interests; live video chat so you can get to know someone before taking things offline; geo-location capabilities allowing users from around the world connect with each other…the list goes on!

On top of these awesome features though comes one major downside: cost. Unlike many other popular sites out there today where membership fees aren’t required or minimal at best – accessing most areas within Koko’s web platform requires some kind financial commitment upfront (though if money isn’t really an issue then this shouldn’t be too much trouble). Another minor gripe is how similar certain aspects look between both versions but hey – imitation may be flattering but having two nearly identical interfaces could lead people down a rabbit hole when trying to figure out what they’re actually doing here…if ya catch my drift?

Alas though despite these drawbacks I’d still recommend giving Koko’s website version ago if only because it offers more than enough opportunities for singles looking for love online whether near or far away 🙂


When it comes to Koko App, the verdict is out: you get what you pay for. While this dating app does offer a free version, let’s face it – if you want any real success with finding love online then paying up for the subscription is your best bet. Koko App isn’t cheap either; their prices are anything but competitive and will leave your wallet feeling lighter than air! Plus, there aren’t really many benefits that come along with getting a paid subscription – no bells or whistles here folks! All in all, unless money’s not an issue (in which case I’m jealous!) then Koko App may be one to avoid.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Profile creation, Matching with potential partners
Plus $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, Priority matching, Advanced search filters
Pro $19.99/month All Plus features, Video chat, In-app purchases

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Koko App include Bumble, Hinge, and Tinder. These apps are all focused on helping users find potential romantic partners through online dating platforms.

  • Bumble
  • Tinder
  • Hinge
  • Coffee Meets Bagel
  • OkCupid

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to meet new people.
  • Best for those who are open to long-term relationships and/or marriage.
  • Best for individuals seeking a more meaningful connection with someone special.


1. Is Koko App safe?

Koko App definitely isn’t the safest dating app out there. I wouldn’t trust it with my personal information, and there’s no guarantee that you won’t be matched up with someone sketchy. It might not be a bad idea to look for something else if safety is your priority.

2. Is Koko App a scam?

No way! Koko App is definitely not a scam. I’ve been using it for months and have had great experiences with it – met some really cool people too. It’s legit, so don’t worry about getting scammed if you decide to give it a try!

3. How can I contact Koko App?

I’m not a fan of Koko App. Their customer service is terrible and I’ve never been able to contact them directly. All you can do is fill out an online form or send an email, but it’s impossible to get any kind of response from them. Avoid this app if you want good customer service!

4. How to cancel subscription on Koko App?

Cancelling your subscription on Koko App is a real hassle. You have to go through several steps and it’s just not worth the effort. I wouldn’t recommend using this dating app if you ever want to cancel your subscription!

Jon Sinn

Jon Sinn is an online dating expert and author who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. He began his career as a professional coach, specializing in teaching men how to meet women both online and offline. After seeing the success of many of his students, Jon decided to take things one step further by writing reviews on popular dating sites and apps from around the world. Originally from California, Jon attended UC Berkeley where he studied psychology with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships between people – something that would later become very useful when it came time to write about various forms of digital courtship! It was during this period that he developed an interest in understanding why some couples succeed while others fail; what makes two people click? This fascination eventually led him down the path towards becoming a full-time writer dedicated solely to exploring modern romance through technology. Since then, Jon's work has been featured across numerous publications including Men’s Health Magazine as well as The Huffington Post where readers can get access not only to informative articles but also helpful tips regarding all aspects related to successful online dating experiences such as profile creation strategies or messaging techniques designed specifically for Tinder users looking for their next match! His mission is simple: help make sure everyone finds someone special no matter which platform they choose!

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