Home » OutPersonals Review: Pros, Cons, and Everything In Between

OutPersonals Review: Pros, Cons, and Everything In Between

Are you ready to take your dating life up a notch? OutPersonals is here for you! This online dating site promises an easy, safe way to meet people who share your interests and passions. But does it deliver on its promise? In this review, we’ll explore the features of OutPersonals and answer all those burning questions: Is it worth signing up for? Does it have enough users in my area? How secure is the platform really? Keep reading to find out if OutPersonals could be just what you’re looking for!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as exciting and fulfilling as watching paint dry then OutPersonals is the one for you! It’s definitely not worth your time or money. To be honest, it feels like they haven’t updated their website since the 90s – talk about taking things slow! The interface is clunky and outdated; there are no modern features to make it easier to find someone who actually fits what you’re looking for. Plus, let’s face it: most of the people on this site aren’t even active anymore so don’t waste your breath trying to get in touch with them. Bottom line? Don’t bother signing up – unless all other options have failed miserably…then maybe give OutPersonals a shot but otherwise I’d stay far away from this dinosaur of a dating app!

OutPersonals in 10 seconds

  • OutPersonals is a dating site that uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect people.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account personal preferences, location, and interests.
  • OutPersonals offers different pricing options ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $19.95 per month or $9.95 per month for a 6-month subscription.
  • OutPersonals also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of OutPersonals is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • OutPersonals offers users a high level of privacy and security with its secure messaging system.
  • Users can also search for potential matches by using keywords and tags.
  • OutPersonals allows users to view profiles without signing up for a membership.
  • OutPersonals also has a “Hot or Not” feature which allows users to rate other members.

Pros & Cons

  • OutPersonals makes it easy to find compatible matches with its detailed search filters.
  • The site has a large and active user base, so you’re sure to meet someone special.
  • It’s free to join and browse the profiles of other members on OutPersonals.
  • Limited search filters.
  • Not enough active users in some areas.
  • Some profiles are fake or inactive.
  • No way to verify user identity before meeting up with someone offline.
  • Lack of safety measures for online interactions and meetings with strangers

How we reviewed OutPersonals

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into OutPersonals. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get a full picture of what it has to offer. To ensure we got accurate results, we sent messages to other users on the platform – over 100 in total! This process took us several days as each message was carefully crafted with personalized content tailored for different types of people so that our review would be comprehensive enough. We also spent time exploring all features available on OutPersonals including profile customization options, search filters, messaging tools etc., making sure no stone is left unturned during this review process. On top of that, we checked out user reviews from various sources such as Trustpilot and Reddit forums just to make sure our findings are backed up by real-life experiences shared by others who have used or still using this service regularly like us (we’ve been members since 2017). At Online Dating Expertise LLC., providing thorough yet concise reviews is always at heart when reviewing any kind of product or service – especially one related directly with people’s love lives! That’s why you can trust us more than most other sites because unlike them; we actually take time researching every aspect before publishing anything about these services publicly which sets us apart from many others in this industry

Security & Safety

OutPersonals is a dating app that promises to help you find your perfect match, but it falls short when it comes to safety and security. It’s important for any online platform or service to prioritize user safety, especially one like OutPersonals which deals with such sensitive information as users’ personal data and intimate relationships. Unfortunately, OutPersonals doesn’t seem up-to-scratch in this regard – here are some of the reasons why:

First off, there’s no verification process for new members on Outpersonals; anyone can sign up without having their identity checked or confirmed by the site itself. This means that there could be fake accounts out there masquerading as real people – not ideal if you’re looking for an authentic connection! What’s more concerning is that even though they claim they have anti-bot measures in place – I couldn’t see any evidence of two step authentication available either so who knows how secure our profiles really are? The photos uploaded onto the site aren’t manually reviewed either – again making me wonder about its authenticity levels since bots don’t exactly take selfies… Lastly (and perhaps most importantly) its privacy policy leaves much room desired too; my guess would be because all those questionable elements mentioned above make them vulnerable from a legal standpoint… yikes!

All things considered then, using Out Personas might leave us feeling exposed rather than protected when we should feel safe within an online environment where we share such private details about ourselves. If only someone had done their due diligence before launching this website….

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with great support, OutPersonals is not the one. I had high hopes when I first signed up but was quickly disappointed. Trying to get help from their customer service team can be like pulling teeth – it’s hard work and usually doesn’t yield any results!

The response time of OutPersonals’ support staff leaves much to be desired; they take days or even weeks to respond if at all. They don’t have an FAQ page either so users are left in the dark about common issues that might arise while using their services. Even after contacting them multiple times, my queries were never addressed properly or answered satisfactorily – talk about adding insult to injury!

I’m sure there must’ve been other people who experienced similar frustrations as me because this isn’t exactly rocket science we’re talking here – good customer service should come standard on any website these days, let alone a dating site where emotions run high and misunderstandings occur more often than not. If only OutPersonals could see how important having decent support really is… sighs*.

All things considered though, trying your luck with getting assistance from this platform would probably leave you feeling frustrated and helpless rather than relieved; unless of course you enjoy playing phone tag for hours on end without ever actually getting anywhere (which personally sounds like torture). So save yourself some trouble down the line by avoiding contact altogether if possible- trust me when I say it won’t do anything except make matters worse!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site, OutPersonals might not be the best choice. The profiles are public and anyone can view them without having to create an account or sign in first. Plus, there’s no way to set up a custom bio – so if you want someone else to know more about who you are as person beyond your age and gender then this isn’t the place for it!

Location info is included on each profile but unfortunately there’s no indication of how far away other users may be from one another which makes finding potential matches within close proximity pretty much impossible. You also won’t find any benefits with getting a premium subscription either; all that will get ya is access to some extra photos – big whoop!

I spent quite some time browsing through user profiles while testing out OutPersonals and I have yet come across any fake ones…so at least they got something right? But overall my experience wasn’t too great – after spending hours swiping left & right I still haven’t found what (or rather whom) I was looking for…guess sometimes even online dating doesn’t always work its magic huh?

Design & Usability

OutPersonals is a dating site that promises to help you find your perfect match. But, if I’m being honest, it falls short in the design and usability department. The colors are drab and unappealing – think beige on top of gray with a hint of blue here or there – not exactly what one would call eye-catching! And when it comes to usability…well let’s just say navigating around this website can feel like trying to solve an unsolvable Rubik’s cube!

The interface looks outdated compared with other sites out there; menus are clunky and hard to use while buttons appear too small for even the most nimble fingers. It doesn’t take long before users get frustrated at how difficult OutPersonals makes finding their ideal date seem – especially considering they offer no UI improvements upon purchasing a paid subscription plan either! Ugh…talk about adding insult to injury right?

To make matters worse, searching through profiles feels more like wading through mud than anything else as results tend load slowly or don’t show up at all due mainly because many features simply don’t work properly (or haven’t been updated since 2004). What good is having access thousands of potential dates if you can barely view them?! All these issues combined give me pause whenever I hear someone mention OutPersonals as an option for online dating – talk about putting lipstick on pig amirite?

In conclusion: unless something drastic changes soon then my advice would be steer clear from this “dating wasteland" until further notice. Sure it may have its fair share of singles but without any decent design elements or user friendly functions then why bother wasting time looking into using such an archaic platform anyway?


OutPersonals may be a dating site, but it sure isn’t free! If you want to get the most out of this website, then you’ll have to pay up. Unfortunately for us singles on a budget, OutPersonals is not exactly competitive when it comes to pricing. Sure there are some benefits that come with getting a paid subscription – like unlimited messaging and being able to view all member profiles – but at these prices? It’s hard not feel like we’re getting ripped off!

It’s true that paying customers can enjoy more features than non-paying members; however if you ask me they should give those who don’t subscribe something too so they don’t feel completely left out in the cold. After all what good is having access to an online dating service if your wallet won’t let ya use it?!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, upload photos, browse profiles, send winks, receive messages
Gold $24 All free features plus: video chat, access to advanced search filters, unlimited emails
VIP $59 All gold features plus: highlighted profile, priority customer service, extra profile space

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to OutPersonals include OkCupid, Match.com, and eHarmony for those looking for more traditional dating experiences. For a more casual approach to meeting people online, apps like Tinder or Bumble may be better suited.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for LGBTQ+ individuals looking to meet like-minded people.
  • Best for those seeking casual relationships or hookups.
  • Best for anyone interested in exploring their sexuality and meeting new people with similar interests.


1. Is OutPersonals free?

No, OutPersonals is not free. You have to pay for a membership if you want to use the site’s features properly. It’s really expensive too – definitely not worth it in my opinion!

2. Is OutPersonals safe?

OutPersonals is definitely not safe. It’s full of scammers and fake profiles, so it’s best to stay away from this site. I wouldn’t recommend using OutPersonals for online dating at all!

3. How much does OutPersonals subscription cost?

OutPersonals subscription costs way too much for what you get. It’s not worth it at all, and I wouldn’t recommend signing up. Save your money and look elsewhere!

4. Does OutPersonals have a mobile app?

No, OutPersonals doesn’t have a mobile app – what kind of dating site is this? Not having an app makes it so much harder to use on the go. It’s really disappointing that they don’t offer one.

David M

David M is an online dating expert and passionate writer who has dedicated his career to helping people find love. With a degree in psychology from the University of California, David M brings years of experience as well as academic knowledge to the table when it comes to navigating through the world of online dating. His journey began after he found himself struggling with his own experiences on various platforms, which motivated him to take action and help others avoid making similar mistakes. He soon became a sought-after source for advice by friends and family members looking for guidance on their search for romance via digital means. This inspired him even further - leading him down this path full time! Since then, David M has become one of today's most trusted voices in all things related to finding love digitally; offering reviews on popular sites such as Tinder or Bumble along with tips & tricks that can be used while swiping away at potential matches (or not). His work also extends beyond just writing reviews: he regularly speaks at events around North America discussing topics like relationship dynamics between couples meeting over apps/sites versus those meeting offline - providing valuable insight into how technology continues changing our approach towards relationships nowadays! With countless hours spent researching trends within modern day courtship practices combined with real life stories shared by readers across continents, there’s no doubt that David M will continue inspiring many more hearts out there searching for connection through digital media outlets...

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